
Blast (tunnel) frozen

Scomber scombrus

The Atlantic mackerel is notable for its rounded, sleek physique, with stripes of green and blue on its dorsal region. This pelagic species, known to travel in large schools, inhabits both sides of the North Atlantic Ocean. During summer, these large clusters of mackerel migrate toward the coast to feast on small fish and prawns. The species is predominantly harvested from the North Sea, Skagerak, and the Norwegian Sea.

The onset of autumn marks their journey into the North Sea and Skagerak, which eventually leads to their winter migration out of the North Sea. The adult mackerel then venture toward their spawning grounds, located west and southwest of Ireland, commencing their reproductive phase by March.

The mackerel fishery predominantly takes place from September to November. However, localized fishing activity in the Lofoten region, north of Norway, yields what is known as summer mackerel during June and July. This summer mackerel, typically larger in size, is available from the start of the season in June thanks to our enduring collaboration with the Fishing fleet.

The preferred method of catch is purse seining.

(per piece): 150-250g / 200 - 400g / 300 - 500g / 400 -600g / 600g +
Whole round fish
Wrapped in plastic film and packaged in standard cartons. Net 20kg block
Wrapped in plastic film and packaged in standard cartons. Net 20kg block

The 15 colours of farmed salmonids by SalmoFan will help you to know more about the quality of salmon mean. SalmoFan was developed on the basis of the colour of fresh salmonid flesh, pigmented with Carophyll Pink (astaxanthin). The vast majority of Atlantic salmon is available on the world market is farmed (almost 99%). Light conditions can influence visual colour perception.

Shows the grading of salmon colors in regards to quality.